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The Victor Batte Lay Foundation owns The Minories building, and our Collection of East Anglian art.

The Victor Batte Lay Foundation

The Victor Batte Lay Foundation owns The Minories building and gardens, and holds a varied and extensive art collection, which all together gives a powerful insight into East Anglian culture. The collection includes well-known and prominent artists, such as John Constable, Camille Pissaro, Paul Nash and John Nash, and Maggi Hambling. A catalogue of the work can be found on the Victor Batte Lay website.

The purpose of the Foundation as stated in its constitution is: “the Provision and maintenance of land and buildings from time to time owned by the charity as a museum and art gallery, for the exhibition of a collection or collections of objects of antiquarian interest, art or science for the benefit of the inhabitants of Colchester and of the general public.”

Visit the Foundation website here
for more information